The Spring Summer 2001 Ventriloquy show which was held in an old studio where Alfred Hitchcock used to film firstly showed a short video featuring computer-animated models whose dresses mysteriously shattered. Followed closely by real models, wearing spare topstitched suits that exposed a tailor's patterns, unfettered shifts with scribbles all around and sublimely pleated, voluminous skirts. A series of denim looks appeared clean and sober, as did an army-green miniskirt paired with a tab-collar jacket. Most notable in this show was the dramatic finale which alluded to a theme that is often a leitmotif to his work: the impermanence of clothing. Six girls wafted onstage, three of them holding up tiny mallets, with which they proceeded to break to pieces their companions' paste dresses.
The Denim Panelled Skirt embodies Chalayan’s work with the distinct cut-out patterns and mixture of materials, texture and colours. This denim and cotton blend item is functional and presents a casual chic aesthetic. This piece embodies Chalayan’s work and is part of the permanent collection.